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How to make a reliable password

We have to use a password that is reliable. In order not easily uprooted. There are several criteria that we make the password included in the reliable category.

A reliable passwords must be difficult to guess passwords, either by humans or by machines (programs). Besides the password must also be easy to remember by having a password. Here are two things you should look for perimbangannya. Because if we make a modest passwords are easy to remember the passwords would be easily penetrated. For example, a password that is a last name of someone we love. Password as it will be very easy to guess. Conversely, if the password is very difficult, so we are a little hassle to remember, for example, is a form of password composition of letters and characters that do not form words. Such as: "bl063r".

Password is a row of characters. Usually most people make only a password is just a row of numbers or alphabetical characters only. Passwords like this would be easily penetrated by using auxiliary program. For that needs to be made a password that is really reliable.

A password that is reliable, it must have the completeness of a variety of characters that can be used for passwords. Variety of characters are uppercase alphabet, lowercase alphabet, numbers, and special characteristics. Uppercase letters, lowercase letters, and numbers we have seen. For particular characters are characters outside of the alphabet and numbers, for example, is: ", @, #, $,%, etc.. The fourth variety of characters (uppercase, lowercase, numbers, and special characters), if the password contained in the password would make us very reliable and difficult to crack.

Why So?
Why a reliable password must contain 4 characters as diverse which have been mentioned above. namely:
• Loading a capital letter, such as: A, B, C, D, E, ....
• Loading lowercase letters, such as: a, b, c, d, e, ....
• Loading figures, such as: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ....
• Load special characters, such as: ~, @, #,%,! ....
Why is that? To explain this means that we must understand the workings of a password breaker program. I try to explain the concept of a simple password breaker program.

How to make a reliable password
Picture a login box with username and password

For instance there is a login box asking for a username and password field. A password breaker program will conduct experiments to test one by one character who suspected a password. Such a user can have password just like the alphabet 'hippos'. Password breaker program sufficient to conduct tests on a range of characters that runs from 'a' to 'z'. Thus the character being tested is just as many as 26 characters.

Then, if a user has a password 'ju5t0m4t', then a stretch of characters that will be tested more and more. That includes a 26-character alphabet characters plus numeric characters from '0 'to '9' number of 10 characters. Thus a password breaker program to be carried out tests on more characters that a number of 36 characters. This means it takes longer to break the password that contains alphabetic and numeric characters. Longer than break the password that only contains alphabet only.

Furthermore, if in case a user has a password 'kuD4niL', then a stretch of characters that need to be tested will be many more. Let us count. The character being tested is a lowercase alphabetic character is 'a', to 'z' number of 26 characters. Later that need to be tested again is a character that is a capital letter 'A', to 'Z' number of 26 characters again. Coupled with a number of characters from '0 'to '9' number 10. Thus the character that needs to be tested is 26 + 26 + 10 is 62. It certainly would take much longer for a password breaker program to do a 'test' (read: unpacking) passwords like this than the previous password above.

Well, so logically if a user has a password 'kuD4n! L' which is a combination of lowercase characters, uppercase letters, numbers and special characters. Live your own count the number of special characters that exist on a computer. This causes the password breaker program takes away much longer than break the password as exemplified earlier.

Now Looking for comparison?
Now you have to understand why a reliable password must contain four diverse characters mentioned above. Furthermore, you find the balance between living a password that is difficult to be dismantled with ease for you to remember.

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