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Macintosh Keyboard Shortcuts

In this article I want to write about Macintosh Keyboard Shortcuts.
There are lists of Macintosh Keyboard Shortcuts:
Command-X: Cut the selected item.
Command-C Copy selected data to Clipboard.
Command-V: Pastes Clipboard content.
Command-Z: Undo the previous command.
Command-Shift-Z: Redo
Command-A: Selects all items.
Command-F: Search for items in a document.
Command-G: Looks for the next occurrence of the item that was previously found.
Command-Shift-G: Search for previous occurrences.
Command-H: Hides the window in front of the app.
Command-Option-H: Displays the front app, but hides other apps.
Command-M: Decreases the front window to the Dock.
Command-Option-M: Reduce the appearance of all front app windows.
Command-O: Opens the selected item, or opens a dialog to select the file to open.
Command-P: Print the document used.
Command-S: Save the document used.
Command-T: Opens a new tab.
Command-W: Closes the front window.
Command-D: Duplicate the selected file.
Command-E: Ejects the selected disk or volume.
Command-F: Starts Spotlight search in the Finder window.
Command-I: Displays the Get Information window for the selected file.
Command-Bar spaces: Displays or hides the Spotlight search field.
Command-Option-Bar spaces: Perform Spotlight searches from the Finder window.
Command-Tab: Switches to the most recently used app between your open apps.
Command-Slash (/): Hide or display the status bar in the Finder window.
Command-A: Displays the View Options.
Command-N: Opens a new Finder window.
Command-R: Displays the original file.
Command-T: Displays or hides the tool bar when a tab is opened in the current Finder window.
Command-Y: Use Quick View to preview the selected file.
Command-1: View items in the Finder window as icons.
Command-2: View items in the Finder window as a list.
Command-3: View the item in the Finder window in the column.
Command-4: View items in the Finder window with Cover Flow.
Command-Left Bracket ([): Opens the previous folder.
Command-Right Elbow Bracket ([): Opens the next folder.
Command-Up Arrow ↑: Move cursor to the beginning of the document.
Command-Down Arrow: Move cursor to the end of the document.
Command Left Arrow: Move cursor to the beginning of the current line.
Command-Right Arrow: Move cursor to the end of the current line.
Command-Arrow Left: Moves cursor the beginning of the previous word.
Command-Right Arrow: Move cursor to the end of the next word.
Command-Mark equals (=) performs the same function.

Control-Command-Bar space: Displays Characters, emojis and other symbols.
Control-Command-F: Using the app in full screen.
Control-A: Switch to the beginning of the line or paragraph.
Control-E: Switch to the end of the line or paragraph.
Control-F: Switch one character forward.
Control-B: Switch one character backwards.
Control-L: Puts the cursor or choice in the visible area.
Control-P: Switch up a line.
Control-N: Switch down a line.
Control-O: Insert a new line after the cursor.
Control-T: Swap characters behind cursor with characters in front of insertion point.

Option-Command-W: Closes all application windows.
Option-Command-Esc: Force-close the app.
Option-Command-L: Opens the Downloads folder.Option-Command-D: Displays or hides the Dock.
Option-Command-P: Hides or displays a path bar in the Finder window.
Option-Command-S: Hides or displays Side bar in Finder window.
Option-Command-N: Create a new Smart Folder.
Option-Command-T: Displays or hides the tool bar when a tab is opened in the current Finder window.
Option-Command-V: Moves files on the Clip Board from the original location to the current location.
Option-Command-Y: View the Quick View of a slide show of the selected file.
Option-Command-F: Open the search field.
Option-Command-C: Copy the formatting settings on the selected item to the Clipboard.
Option-Command-V: Apply the style copied to the selected item.
Option-Command-I: Display or hide the inspector window.
Option-Shift-Up Arrow: Select text from current cursor to the beginning of the paragraph.
Option-Shift-Down Arrow: Select the text from current cursor to the end of the paragraph.
Option-Shift Left Arrow: Select the text from current cursor to the beginning of the word.
Option-Shift Right Arrow: Select the text from current cursor to the end of the word.
Option-Shift-Command-V: Apply the style of the surrounding content to items that are embedded in the content.

Shift-Command-3: Take a screen shot of the entire screen.
Shift-Command-N: Create a new folder in the Finder.
Shift-Command-C: Opens the Computer window.
Shift-Command-D: Opens the desktop folder.
Shift-Command-F: Opens the All My Files window.
Shift-Command-G: Opens the Open Folder window.
Shift-Command-H: Opens the Main folder of the active macos user account.
Shift-Command-I: Open iCloud Drive.
Shift-Command-K: Opens the Network window.
Shift-Command-N: Create a new folder.
Shift-Command-O: Opens the Documents folder.
Shift-Command-P: Displays or hides the preview panel in the Finder window.
Shift-Command-R: Opens the AirDrop window.
Shift-Command-T: Displays the tab bar in the Finder window.
Shift-Command-U: Opens the Utilities folder.
Shift-Command-T: Displays or hides the Finder tab.
Shift-Command-Up Arrow: Select the text between the cursor and the beginning of the document.
Shift-Command-Down Arrow: Select text between the cursor and the end of the document.
Shift-Command-Left Arrow: Select text between the cursor and the beginning of the current line.
Shift-Command-Right Arrow: Select the text between the cursor and the end of the current line.
Shift-Command-P: Display page settings.
Shift-Command-S: Display the Save As dialog or duplicates the currently open document.
Shift-Command-Signs lack (-): Decreases the size of the selected item.
Shift-Command-Plus sign (+): Increases the size of the selected item.
Shift-Command-Question mark (?): Opens the Help menu.
Shift-Up Arrow: Select the text between the cursor until line above it
Shift-Down Arrow: Select the text between the cursor until line below it
Shift-Left Arrow: Select one character's text to the left from cursor.
Shift-Right Arrow: Select one character's text to the right from cursor.

If you want to read about How to Copy and Paste Text use Macintosh Keyboard Shortcut you can click HERE

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