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Tips Searching via

This article about tips when searching for information via so much faster.

  1. If you want to find the material in the form of doc or word, simply type filetype: doc at the end of the search word. Example: How to make a proposal filetype: doc
  2. If you want to find the material as a pdf, simply type filetype: pdf at the end of the search word. Example: How to make a proposal filetype: pdf
  3. If you want to find the material in the form of powerpoint, simply type filetype: pdf at the end of the search word. Example: How to make a proposal filetype: ppt
  4. If you want to search by title only, then type intitle: before the search words. Example: intitle: computer history
  5. If you want to search for specific words, without a separate use the "". Example: "souvenirs"
  6. If you want to search for a word with a synonym, then use ~. Example: want to find the sense of a PC or commuting, then type in the sense of ~ PC
  7. If you want to search for information within the time you specify please use .. interval between them. Example: want to find jobs in 2012 through 2013 then type jobs 2012..2013
  8. If you want to find articles that there should be words please use the + sign. Example: + Price + computer
• The words above can be combined as needed your search.
Happy Trying. :)

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